Contributions for a Marxist perspective on the uses of technology under capitalism
marxism, STS relations, technology, education, world of workAbstract
Work is central to Marxist analysis, where it is considered indispensable for social reproduction. In the contemporary world, discussions on so-called digital capitalism and the dramatic changes that have taken place in the working environment have brought new challenges for researchers, especially after the economic divisions created by the new worldwide pandemic. Digitization of the working environment and technological progress have been accompanied by precariousness in workers’ living conditions. On the one hand, workers are being driven towards informality while, on the other, the mechanisms for managing and controlling work processes are losing their recognized forms. In this article we discuss the impact of techno-scientific advancement on the lives of workers in view of the contradiction between capital and in the digital world. Our aim is to offer several reflections on the importance of the formal teaching-learning process, especially in higher education institutions, in order to meet the challenges presented by digital capitalism. We assume the adoption of a Marxist perspective in debates on science, technology and society to be an important milestone in the struggle to produce scientific knowledge that is committed to achieving collective well-being and real improvements in workers’ lives.
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