“Quant alcun hom demanda d’alcuna cosa dubtosa”: el Tractat de les interrogacions de Bartomeu de Tresbens, estudi i edició
Bartomeu de Tresbens, king Pere the Ceremonious, medieval astrology, medieval Catalan, critical edition, manuscripts, Occitanisms, Crown of Aragon, kingship, governmentAbstract
A first critical edition of the Tractat de les interrogacions by Bartomeu de Tresbens, from its incompletely preserved, unique manuscript copy (Ripoll, Biblioteca Lambert Mata, XXI, ff. 86r-98r), preceded by an introductory study. This insufficiently studied work, which had so far remained unpublished, was dedicated to King Pere the Ceremonious, and deals with the branch of astrology aiming to answer specific questions, mainly focusing on kingship and government matters. The introductory study analyses several aspects of the treatise: placement within the manuscript, date, structure, contents preserved and lost, as well as sources.
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