"Allí se puso este Libro de la Ley": breve reflexión sobre una glosa exegética al Deuteronomio 31 en la Biblia romanceada de Moshe Arragel
Old Spanish Bibles, Jewish exegesis, the Arragel Bible, translation in the Middle Ages, history of the book, Jewish-Christian relations, Moshe Arragel
This study focuses on an exegetical gloss in the Old Spanish Bible of rabbi Moshe Arragel (1st half of the 15th century), specifically on Deuteronomy 31, and its historical significance for the intellectual history of Jewish-Christian relations in late medieval Spain. This gloss, addressed to the Christian sponsor of this Bible translation, centers on an intra-biblical reference to the Jewish canon of the Bible itself as a book, that is the Torah scroll as both written literature and a physical object of synagogal worship. We analyze in some detail Arragel’s recourse to the rabbinical Bible commentaries ad locum in order to educate his Christian addressee on the divergent views of Christians and Jews about the Scriptural canon and its material textualization.
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