Influence of educational factors on the education-job match in men and women




Employed women, underemployment, High School Graduates, education-job match, employability, labor insertion


In Spain, the number of job mismatch graduates is higher than in other surrounding countries. The reasons for this phenomenon differ, to a certain extent, according to the gender of the worker. This research analyses the educational factors that best predict education-job match in men and women. The two most frequent education-job match types have been analyzed: vertical match and horizontal match. Data have been obtained from the 2014 University Graduates Labor Insertion Survey prepared by the National Statistics Institute. We have worked with a sample of 19272 individuals. In addition to contingency tests, the predictive value of the educational variables was explored using binary logistic regression analysis. We find, as a main result, that variables such as the area of study, the possession of another university degree, the level of languages or the knowledge of new technologies have a greater influence on the education-job match in the case of women. The results can be explained on the basis of different theories which indicate that the reasons that lead an individual to choose a job not related to his training differ according to the gender of the worker. Family obligations continue to be elements that condition, to a large extent, women's employment decisions. Labor market seems to value the skills acquired by men and women differently.

Author Biographies

Agustín Rodríguez Esteban, University of Leon

Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology, Sociology and Philosophy (Area of Research Methods and Diagnosis in Education) of the Faculty of Education at the University of Leon. Postal address: Faculty of Education, Campus de Vegazana, s / n, 24071-Leon (Spain)

Javier Vidal, University of Leon

Full Professor in the Department of Psychology, Sociology and Philosophy (Area of Research Methods and Diagnosis in Education) of the Faculty of Education at the University of Leon. Postal address: Faculty of Education, Campus de Vegazana, s / n, 24071-Leon (Spain)


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