Analysis of the validity of peer assessment: a study in Higher Education


  • Isabel Pascual-Gómez University of Alcalá
  • Elena María Lorenzo-Llamas University of Alcalá
  • Carlos Monge-López University of Alcalá



 Cooperative learning, self-assessment, portfolio assessment, Higher Education, peer-assessment, assessment for learning, hetero-assessment, emic perspective, rubric


In Spain only a limited number of studies have been done regarding students evaluating their peers in higher education. The objective of this article is to analyse the way in which students that have participated in a cooperative learning project evaluated their peers. Data were collected online from a sample of 119 bachelor students that were registered in a teacher training course at the University of Alcalá. Activities were designed for both peer evaluation and self-evaluation in group work. These student evaluations were compared with ratings given by the teacher. A contrast analysis showed a statistically significant difference of 1-2 points between the mean scores, in favour of the students. Despite these overestimated values, an analysis of the content from the self-evaluation tool showed its usefulness for improving the formative assessment process for both students and teachers.

Author Biographies

Isabel Pascual-Gómez, University of Alcalá

Doctorate in Philosophy and Educational Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid. At present she is a non-tenured lecturer in the University of Alcalá’s Department of Educational Sciences, where she teaches Research and Diagnostic Methods in Education. Her chief lines of research include university teaching assessment and educational psychology tools validation. Her postal address is: Aulario María de Guzmán. C/ San Cirilo s/n. 28804. Alcalá de Henares

Elena María Lorenzo-Llamas, University of Alcalá

Doctorate in Educational Psychology from the University of Alcalá. At present she is an associate lecturer in the University of Alcalá’s Department of Educational Sciences, where she teaches Research and Diagnostic Methods in Education. Her chief lines of research include high intelectual capacities, educational research methods, catering for diversity and inclusion, and higher education assessment methods. Her postal address is: Aulario María de Guzmán. C/ San Cirilo s/n. 28804. Alcalá de Henares (Spain).

Carlos Monge-López, University of Alcalá

Is a doctoral student of Educational Planning and Innovation. On the research staff of the University of Alcalá’s Department of Educational Sciences (area: Didactics and School Organisation), he holds a pre-doctoral FPU-UAH Doctoral Training contract. His postal address is Facultad de Educación. C/ Madrid 1. 19001. Guadalajara (Spain).


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