High-skilled migration and the knowledge society. Theories, processes, perspectives
https://doi.org/10.7203/acs.39.29224Palabras clave:
Highly-Skilled Emigration, Knowledge society, Brain drain, Brain circulation
The recent economic crisis has led to an upswing in migration from the Mediterranean countries of Europe towards its central and northern development hubs. This overall increase in migration also includes high numbers of the so-called skilled migrants, consisting mainly, though not exclusively, of young people moving within Europe for study or specialisation, or seeking employment that matches their skills profile. It is no coincidence then that this new trend for skilled migration within Europe forms the main thrust of the cognitive and research interests of sociologists, economists and migration geographers. The aim of this paper is to reconstruct the theoretical debate on skilled migration in the context of what is perhaps too hastily defined as a ?knowledge society?, through a broad and systematic critical analysis of the scientific literature.
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