TaskTimeTracker: A tool for temporal analysis of the problem solving process




Palabras clave:

Problem Solving Process, Time Activity Diagram, Software Tools


The analysis of the problem solving process in mathematics can shed light on the learning process. However, the analysis of this process is a difficult task that has to face the complexity and non linearity of the process itself. In this work we present the TTT software tool aimed to facilitate the registration and graphical representation of the steps that are followed by a group of students during the resolution of a problem, together with the time extension of these steps. This tool is based upon, and extends, the representation schemes presented by Arleback(2009), and can be applied to any problem resolution process (either mathematical or not) that can be divided into phases or categories along time.


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Cómo citar

Pla-Castells, M., & García-Fernández, I. (2020). TaskTimeTracker: A tool for temporal analysis of the problem solving process. Investigación En Entornos Tecnológicos En Educación Matemática, (1). https://doi.org/10.7203/ietem.1.16280
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