Reflections on the spanish common interest and benefit companies through a comparative lense: an analysis of the Delaware and the French hybrid purpose companies


  • Ana Afonso Bellod Universidad de La Laguna 




Law 18/2022, of the 28th of September, on the creation and growth of companies introduces hybrid purpose companies under the name “sociedades de beneficio e interés común” (SBIC) in Spanish company law, though their regulation awaits a future legal instrument. Hybrid purpose companies aim to balance the traditional for-profit purpose with other non-profit purposes, that may have a social or environmental character. The introduction of SBIC in the shareholder value Spanish company law system, however, raises questions on how the legislator will approach their regulation. To provide some insights on the future SBIC regulation, this paper analyzes the Delaware and French hybrid purpose company regulations, and then delves into Spanish law to lay out the problems that the SBIC regulation will have to solve as well as some potential solutions and open questions that remained to be answered.


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Biografía del autor/a

Ana Afonso Bellod, Universidad de La Laguna 

Doctoranda del Área de Derecho Mercantil de la Universidad de La Laguna.


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Cómo citar

Afonso Bellod, A. (2024). Reflections on the spanish common interest and benefit companies through a comparative lense: an analysis of the Delaware and the French hybrid purpose companies. CIRIEC-España, Revista jurídica De economía Social Y Cooperativa, (45), 13–45.
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