Computational Thinking in Educational Environments: An Approach from Educational Technology


  • María del Mar Sánchez Vera Universidad de Murcia



computational thinking, coding, robotics, Educational Technology


Recently, computational thinking has experienced a resurgence, due to the scientific and educational community has placed its focus of interest on it. However, there is a lack of consensus about what it is and how to work it. That has caused that the approach to computational thinking is addressed in different directions in educational fields. From technical approaches, the potential to be integrated in teachers´teaching strategy could be not considered; from transversal approaches, the possibilities in the field of didactics are included, but they incorporate different visions that makes it application difficult. In addition, new perspectives are incorporated, such as ”unplugged” computational thinking. Given this panorama, it is evident the need to address from the pedagogy, and specifically from the Educational Technology field, the topic of computational thinking, starting from the possibilities it has related to digital literacy and as a means to express ideas with technology; to the possibilities to be included in educational contexts around the use of learn with robotics.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Vera, M. del M. (2019). Computational Thinking in Educational Environments: An Approach from Educational Technology. Research in Education and Learning Innovation Archives, (23), 24–39.
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