The digital portfolio as a learning tool in practice supervision during the COVID-19 pandemic




portfolio, supervision, practicum, COVID-19, pandemics


Professional practice is fundamental because it represents the link between theoretical training and the application of skills and knowledge in the professional field. In March 2020, howe- ver, COVID-19 obliged teaching staff to redesign their professional practicums to ensure that they satisfied the requirements established for their training activities. In this context, digital portfolios were seen as a fundamental tool. The main aim of this article is to analyse the usefulness of the digital portfolio as a learning tool for the supervision of students taking part in practicums as part of their Master’s in Social Intervention at the Public University of Navarre. Our research methodo- logy involves a qualitative case study in which we analysed digital portfolios prepared by students during the 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 academic years. We show that, as a supervision tool, these port- folios have more strengths than weaknesses. Moreover, our conclusions provide numerous useful suggestions for improving the future use of these portfolios.


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How to Cite

Viscarret, J. J., Úriz, M. J., & Ballestero, A. (2022). The digital portfolio as a learning tool in practice supervision during the COVID-19 pandemic. Research in Education and Learning Innovation Archives, (29), 59–72.
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