Identity Conflic un the Land of València during the Post-Franco Democratic Period
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València’s identity, Catalan (Valencian), València / Land of València / Kingdom of València, Castilian (Spanish)
València (officially Comunitat Valenciana) is a territory in eastern Spain inhabited by five millionpeople where both Catalan (officially known there as valencià, Valencian) and Castilian (i.e. Spanish)are official languages. The official use of Catalan (València’s traditional language) was banned in this territoryin 1707, with the advent of the Bourbon dynasty. In 1983, sis years after democracy arrived intoSpain, the official use and the teaching of this language was restored. Even though today it is one of thetwo official languages in València, Catalan/Valencian has not achieved the prestige and social use therethat it has in Catalonia or in the Balearic Islands. In order to explain this fact, we need to look back at theSpanish transition to democracy period (1977-1983), when the identity and language of València becamea matter for heated political and social dispute. As a result, the Valencian identity –and, particularly, itsmost characteristic and distinctive trait, València’s language– was significantly weakened. However, inspite of these linguistic and identity conflicts in València, it must be acknowledged that the Catalan/Valencianlanguage has made significant legal advances in València from 1983.
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