Revista Electrónica de LEEME

Journal refereed on research and applications in Music Education. ISSN 1575-9563

5.1 Structure

Articles sent to the journal must be unpublished and not have been sent to other publications for simultaneous consideration. Articles must be accompanied with a cover letter expressly confirming these two points, accepting the journal’s regulations and conditions, and signed by authors. The journal accepts works in Spanish and English. Submissions must contain no more than 5000 words, excluding bibliographical references and captions. The first page of the article should include in the following order:    

  • The title of the article in any of the above-mentioned languages, and in English and Spanish if Spanish is not the main language.
  • The initial of the author's first name and full surname.
  • The author's workplace, address and e-mail for correspondence.   

At a minimum, submissions should be clearly set out as follows:

  • Introduction: a brief explanation to enable the reader to understand the text.  
  • Theoretical review, if pertinent.  This is the place for related scientific theories that support or refute the work.
  • Materials and methodology: this will include the centre where the experiment or research took place, the timescale, the characteristics of the series that has been studied, the sample selection criteria and the techniques employed, all with sufficient information to repeat the experiments. Statistical methodology should be described in detail.
  • Results: there should be a description (not an interpretation) of observations noted with the methodology employed. The description should be complemented by the use of tables and graphs.
  • Discussion: this should include the opinions of the author(s) concerning the subject studied, the meaning and practical application of the findings, and considerations of inconsistency in the methodology or validity of the results, a summary of similar published work indicating areas of agreement or disagreement, and ideas that suggest future lines of research.

At the beginning of page 2, there should be an abstract in English and Spanish and the language of the work if this is other than English or Spanish outlining the predominant aspects of each part of the article: the main objective, a brief description of the methodology and the results, and the most important conclusions drawn from the research. Abstracts should run 150-250 words and end with four key words, written in the aforementioned languages. 

Creative Commons License
Este trabajo está licenciado bajo la licencia Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 .

ISSN: 1575-9563