1. Editorial Policy
The Revista de la Lista Electrónica Europea de Música en la Educación, also known in English as the Electronic Journal of Music in Education (EJME), was founded in 1998, and is published twice per year as open access journal, that is, free of charge for authors and readers. The Journal accepts both research (preferable) and general audience articles relating to music education. EJME is addressed to pre-service and in-service music teachers, professionals and students of Music and Music Education with the aim of fostering the quality and organization of Music Education in teaching institutions.
2. Editorial Process
EJME accepts unsolicited manuscripts. These will be reviewed by the editorial board, and then sent for external evaluation. This vetting process ensures that articles are adapted to the guidelines and policy of the journal. Otherwise, they will be sent back to the authors for corrections. Authors are asked to resubmit the corrected article within a period of ten days. Once approved by the editorial committee, the article will be sent to refereeing (double blind peer review). After this, the editorial board makes its decision.
3. Evaluation Process
The EJME employs an external, confidential, and anonymous evaluation system. Referees don't know each other neither know the authors. Authors don't know the referees. All submissions go through a refereeing process. Referees come from the scientific board and are professionals that the Editorial Board considers appropriate according to their professional profile. Each article is assigned to two external referees. Each referee must complete an evaluation form related to competency (specific aspects of article that must be evaluated) and responsibility (situations where referee must reject the article, what to do after reading the article, how to prepare the report, etc.).The evaluation document can be downloaded here.
In case of the referee detects any malpractice in the article under evaluation (see section 4), he or she should communicate immediately to chief editor or, in his/her absence, to any member of the editorial committee. Some of these bad practices are previously published materials included in the article and plagiarism. Usually, the editor carries out a detection with some specialized tools like Urkund and Ephorus used by the institution holding the co-propriety of EJME.
After receiving the referees evaluations, the editors will notify the authors about the decision on whether or not to publish the article, attaching in the email the referees' evaluations. Also, in case of acceptance, the editors will send procedures on how to present the final version of the work. The decision of the Editorial Board remains final.
3.1 Referees' evaluation criteria
- Originality
- Usefulness (application of results in solving specific problems)
- Significance (addition of scientific knowledge to the field)
- Viability and scientific validity
- Quality of the methodology applied
- Presentation: well written (clarity, brevity, precision), well organized (consistency, logic), and good presentation of material
1) Accept,
2) Accept with minor revisions,
3) Resubmit with major revisions,
4) Reject.
The score to reach to each of these qualifications is shown in the evaluation report.
Download Author's Guidelines (English)
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ISSN: 1575-9563