The human right to artistic creation beyond collective identities: a propaedeutic proposal




The purpose of this reflection is to analyze the content of the human right to artistic creation of individuals per se, regardless of whether their work can be framed within the cultural manifestations or characteristics of a particular collective identity. The paper also attempts to answer the question of whether the material conditions of artists should be satisfied by the market or whether some kind of duty on the part of the public authorities to enable the emancipation of the individual and the plural and democratic nature of a society.


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Author Biography

Mikel Díez Sarasola, Universidad del País Vasco EHU/UPV

Profesor Adjunto del Departamento de Derecho Público y Ciencias Histórico-Jurídicas y del Pensamiento Político


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How to Cite

Díez Sarasola, M. (2022). The human right to artistic creation beyond collective identities: a propaedeutic proposal. Cuadernos Electrónicos De Filosofía Del Derecho, (46), 56–91.
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