Therapeutic effects of Ozone therapy in adult periodontitis treatment, subtypes I and II.
ozone therapy, periodontitisAbstract
Introduction. Conventional treatments of the periodontitis rely on surgery and antibioticotherapy. The properties of the ozone offer a more innocuous and more economic new alternative therapeutic. Objective. To evaluate the effectiveness of the ozone therapy in the treatment of periodontitis type I and II, and to identify the adverse events. Methods. It was carried out a clinical trial, phase III, randomized, controlled and to simple blind in patients that went to Odontological Clinic “III Congress of PCC” of Matanzas, January 2013 – January 2015. The sample belonged to 50 patients, divided in 5 groups of 10 patients each one: Group A – Treaties with ozone gas. Group B – OLEOZON®. Group C – ozonized water. Group D – treatment of ozone combined with the three modalities (gas, ozonized water and OLEOZON®. Group Z (control) – conventional treatment. The groups A, B, C and D were the experimental groups. Clinic and microbiolgical evaluation was measures. Effectiveness of the treatment, and adverse events were evaluated. The results showed up in graphics, the percentage and Square Chi were used. The ethical principles were completed. Results. Clinical evaluation went satisfactory to the month of the treatment in 84,6% of the studied places, with better results in the group D (96%), with significant differences between the experimental groups and the control. The microbiological evaluation was satisfactory and increased to 85,4% to the six months of the study. The experimental group D prevailed (96,6%). The effectiveness was good in 85,4% of the sample, prevailing in the experimental group D with 96,6%, followed by the group A. The percentage of adverse events was low, 1,5%. Conclusions. The clinical and microbiological evaluation showed satisfactory results, associated to a low percentage of adverse events (with gas ozone only). The combined ozone therapy was the most effective treatment for this type of periodontitis.Downloads
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