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As an Open Journal Systems journal, Magnificat CLM has a global diffusion. Its editorial team are committed to further the journal's dissemination by applying for inclusion to all possible indexes and databases (see Indexing).

Authors who publish in Magnificat CLM must commit themselves to disseminate their articles in those repositories to which they have access (green way of global diffusion), and in researchers' social networks; at least in Humanities Commons (https://hcommons.org/) Google Scholar (http://scholar.google.es/) and Academia.edu (http://www.academia.edu/).

Tutorial on Google Scholar.

Our journal has also a blog where information is given on its issues, and where readers can leave comments. Readers can also leave comments on every article in ScienceOpen.com.

Magnificat CLM is present on Twitter too, where announcements are published.

Information is sent periodically via email to all mailing lists of medieval, romance and hispanic subjects, as well as mailing lists of digital humanities.