Call for papers: The impact of climate change on high mountain areas
High mountain areas are among the regions most affected by climate change. Geographical and environmental conditions make high mountains valuable and unique, but also highly vulnerable. The complex web of interactions that exist between high mountain habitats and the species that inhabit them is being altered. The aim of this monograph is to analyse the main challenges facing these regions, with a special focus on the mountains of the Iberian Peninsula, the importance of these areas, the problems they face in the current climate scenario, and the solutions and actions proposed by the scientific community to conserve mountain ecosystems.
Special monograph on «The impact of climate change on high mountain areas». Instructions for the submission of articles.
- Deadline for submission: 4 November 2024.
- Publication due date: volume 2, 2025.
- Submission languages: Catalan, Spanish, or English.
- Length: 16,000 – 20,000 characters (including spaces and bibliographical references). For more information, check the Author guidelines.
Mètode Science Studies Journal is indexed in Scopus, Emerging Sources Citation Index, ERIH Plus and Latindex, among other databases of peer-reviewed publications.
In order to submit a manuscript, the authors previously need to register here. Once they have a username and password, they can submit the file from here.