The role of the brain in financial decisions: A viewpoint on neuroeconomics


  • Guillermo Mateu Burgundy School of Business (France).
  • Lucas Monzani Richard Ivey Business School (Western Ontario University, Canada).
  • Roger Muñoz Navarro Department de Personality, Assessment & Psychological Treatments of the Faculty of Psychology, University of Valencia (Spain).



financial markets, decision-making, neuroeconomics, brain


In this article, we explain the important role neuroscience plays in economic and financial environments. Hence, we present neuroeconomics as a way to describe how decision-making processes affect brain activity, focusing especially on the importance of economic and financial decisions. We answer some questions regarding the role of emotions in finance, the psychological factors present in financial markets, and how neuropsychological stimuli affect our economic decisions. We conclude by citing the main research in the area of neuroscience in financial decision-making processes, and highlight further research projects in these areas.


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Author Biographies

Guillermo Mateu, Burgundy School of Business (France).

PhD in Economy and Associated Professor at the Burgundy School of Business (France) and the co-director of the Advance Corporate Finance Master’s degree. His research is based on Experimental Economics and decision-making processes, mainly focusing on behavioural economics, neuroeconomics, bargaining, communication, and strategy in financial markets.

Lucas Monzani, Richard Ivey Business School (Western Ontario University, Canada).

PhD in the Psychology of Human Resources and Master Erasmus Mundus in Work, Organizational, and Personnel Psychology. He is a postdoctoral fellow at the Richard Ivey Business School (Western Ontario University, Canada), and an associate researcher at IDOCAL (University of Valencia, Spain) and CLBO (Goethe Universität, Germany). His research interests lie within authentic leadership.

Roger Muñoz Navarro, Department de Personality, Assessment & Psychological Treatments of the Faculty of Psychology, University of Valencia (Spain).

PhD in Health Psychology, an MSc in Research and Psychological Treatments, and an MSc degree in Clinical Neuropsychology. He is an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Personality, Assessment & Psychological Treatments in the Faculty of Psychology, at the University of Valencia (Sapin) and a researcher in the field of Clinical and Health Psychology in the Spanish National Health System. His research interests also lie in the field of Neuroeconomics and Political Neuroscience.


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How to Cite

Mateu, G., Monzani, L., & Muñoz Navarro, R. (2018). The role of the brain in financial decisions: A viewpoint on neuroeconomics. Metode Science Studies Journal, (8), 6–15.
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