Guidelines for authors

Anyone who submits a manuscript for publication in Revista de la Asociación de Sociología de la Educación (RASE) must previously verify that the text to be sent conforms strictly to the following norms:


  1. Manuscripts should be written in Spanish, English, Portugues or French.


  1. Manuscripts should be sent in Reach Text Format (rtf), OpenOffice Writer (odt) or Microsoft Word (doc) format through the journal’s website.


  1. All non-textual elements (tables, figures, maps, graphs, ilustrations, etc.) should appear in the corresponding place in the text. They will be numbered and entitled; its source should be specified below them, and there should be an explicit mention of each one in the main text.


  1. The text of articles will be preceded by a title, an abstract of no more than 250 words, which should explain, in a concise and clear way, the aims, methodology, main results, and conclusions of the work. It is also necessary to include some keywords (up to 6), which should not be repeated in the title, and should be internationally accepted terms in social sciences and/or usual terms for bibliometric classification.


  1. If the text is written in English author may translate to Spanish the title, abstract, and keywords.


  1. The text of articles should be sent in an anonymized version: the author/s will suppress (under the label of *anonymized*) any quotes, acknowledgements, references and allusions that may allow to identify them directly or indirectly. If the manuscript is accepted for publication, the author/s will then send a non-anonymized version.


  1. Articles will have a length of 8.000 words as a maximun, including footnotes and excluding title, abstract, keywords, graphs and tables.


  1. Books reviews will have a lenght of 3000 words as a maximum. Book reviews will include data from the reviewed book: author / title, place of publication, publisher, year of publication and number of pages. Must include the name, institutional affiliation and email address who reviewed the book.


  1. The text format should conform to the following rules:


Font type and size: Times New Roman 12.

Text should be justified and 1,5 spaced, except footnotes.

Footnotes should be numbered consecutively and situated at the bottom of the corresponding page, not at the end of the manuscript. It is strongly recommended to reduce their number as much as possible and to use them for clarifying and explanatory purposes, not for bibliographical reference.

Pages should be numbered at the bottom starting from number 1, and beginning with the page where the abstract is (the coversheet with the information about the author/s should not be numbered).

Sections of the manuscript should be numbered and entitled in small letters and bold.

  1. In-text citations should respect the following rules:


Citations should appear in the main text; the use of footnotes only for bibliographic reference should be avoided.

Citations should be bracketed, including author’s surname, year of publication, and the page or pages quoted; for example, (Willis, 1988: 25).

When an author has two different works published the same year, they will be distinguished with small letters after the year; for example, (Willis, 1988a).

When the authors are two, the citation will include their surnames joint by “and”: (Bourdieu i Passeron, 1977:95) when the authors are more than two, it will be enough to cite the first author’s surname followed by “et al.” (Hernàndez et al., 2005), though the complete reference in the bibliographical list may include all the authors’ names.

Literal quotations should be in inverted commas and followed by the corresponding citation within brackets; this citation must include necessarily the pages quoted. When literal quotations excede from four lines, they will be separated from the main text, without inverted commas, with bigger indentation and smaller font size.

11. The complete list of bibliographical references