L'honneur de la raison




Palabras clave:

Kant, mal, raison, antinomie


This article attempts to show that the doctrine of the impossibility of total error (DIET) is one of the main presuppositions of Kant's moral thought and not just of his theoretical thought. I will exhibit how the antinomy of reason is one of the most important motives of Kant's philosophical inquiry and then illustrate my interpretation of radical evil by advocating an interpretation of reason in Kant as a unitary faculty.



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Biografía del autor/a

Lara Scaglia, University of Warsaw

Postdoc, assistant Professor


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Cómo citar

Scaglia, L. (2023). L’honneur de la raison. Revista De Estudios Kantianos, 8(1), 1–22. https://doi.org/10.7203/REK.8.1.24680
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