
This journal is not accepting submissions at this time.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Se han añadido DOI o direcciones web para las referencias donde ha sido posible.

  • El texto tiene interlineado simple; el tamaño de fuente es 12 puntos; se usa cursiva en vez de subrayado y todas las figuras y tablas están dentro del texto en el sitio que les corresponde y no al final del todo.

  • El texto cumple con los requisitos bibliográficos y de estilo (APA) indicados en las directrices para autores/as que se pueden encontrar en la sección Acerca de la revista.

  • Si el artículo es aceptado para su publicación, se compromete a traducirlo al inglés en menos de dos meses desde que se confirme la edición del artículo.

  • El artículo es de investigación empírica, de revisión ('estado de la cuestión') o de avances metodológicos.

Author Guidelines

The journal RELIEVE follows the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.) norms. In particular, papers sent to be reviewed and possibly published in RELIEVE must fulfill the following criteria:

1. Author/s identification: Full name, organisation the author works for, location, contacting address and e-mail, little introductory text - about 50 words - concerning occupation, research approaches, contributions to the field of study, etc.

2. Title of the paper: it should be representative of the content, clear and concise. Besides being written in its original language, the title of the paper must be also written in Spanish and English.

3. Abstract: brief text (up to 250 words) which describes the objectives, method and main results or conclusions. Besides being written in its original language, it must be also written in Spanish and English.

4. Keywords: Up to twelve descriptive terms which must refer as far as possible to some international thesaurus (preferably ERIC). Besides being written in its original language, they must be also written in Spanish and English.

5. Text: the internal structure of the empirical works must correspond, as far as possible, to the usual sections: Introduction, Method, Results and Discussion. In the other cases, a logical structure of the text and its distribution in sections for textual quotations to be easily found are required. It can be written in Spanish and/or English.

6. References: must follow the APA norms (Publishing Manual, 6ª ed, 2010).

7. Tables, images, illustrations: must be set in the appropriate place and have a format compatible with the publication in the Internet.

8. Attached documents: complementary materials (measurement tools, original data) and graphic materials (images, sound, video, etc.) can be added as long as their format is one of the common ones in the Internet (wav, jpg, gif, mpg ...).

9. Text format: it must preferably have a standard digital format (word, etc.), use a Times Roman 12 font, be justified, and have an exact line spacing.

Every paper sent to RELIEVE should follow these standards:

1. Originality. All contributions must never have been published previously in any form, except in very justified cases.

2. Methodological Consistence, as the consequence of the use of valid research methods and techniques.

3. Significance for its field, since it throws light on outstanding questions of the education field.

4. Predictable impact on a large scholarly and practitioner audience.

5. Advance in the field. Its contribution to the improvement of education.

6. Ethical and respectful to all the agents and participants. Ad hominem arguments must be avoided

7. Clear, concise and ordered wording. Personal jargon and local expressions should be avoided.

Any fees orcharges are required for manuscript processing and or publishing materials in our journal.

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