Inferential processes in readers with Down syndrome
Inference, Down syndrome, reading comprehension, prior knowledge.Abstract
The aim of this work is to know if the source of the difficulty in making inferences, readers with Down syndrome, is in access to prior knowledge or constructing ideas from purely textual knowledge. Involved a sample of 20 students with Down syndrome and mild mental retardation (mean IQ = 60) and a control group of 20 children without cognitive deficits. They were matched as to their extent read metal age via Prueba de Evaluación del Retraso Lector (average 8 years). We created two experimental situations: a) subjects had to generate inferences based on physical knowledge, b) social inferences about knowledge. The ability to check and reaction times in the activation of inferences about physical and social knowledge. We also analyzed the influence that the effect "priming". Results showed: a) a rate of correct inferences similar verification tasks between the two groups, b) Down subjects take longer to access knowledge that the previous text, c) reaction times used by subjects Down were higher in activating physical inferences, d) there were no significant differences in the population without reaction times gap between physical and social inferences e) subjects without deficits benefited effect "priming" in both types of inferences f) Down subjects only improve reaction time in the inferences of social nature.References
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