Adapting to the European Higher Education Area a questionnaire on student opinion about the teaching of lecturers
Teacher evaluation, European Higher Education Area, survey validation, reliability, validity, mixed methodsAbstract
After reviewing questionnaires from other universities, taking into account the theoretical framework of the new questionnaire, the transversal skills adopted by the University and the three dimensions set out by ANECA, a series of indicators and possible items deemed suitable to be included in the new questionnaire were drawn up. This results were all compared and contrasted within various focus groups undertaken with experts in the topic, with lecturers, and with students. Based on this comparison, the pilot questionnaire, which had 18 items plus two more criterion-referenced items, was drawn up. This was applied to a sample of almost one thousand students. The analyses carried out to the items, as well as the reliability and the validity of the test, show that the questionnaire rigorously complies with the standards required by this type of instrument. Finally, in the discussion of the results, certain controversial aspects, or those relating to improving the evaluation of the university teaching staff, are presented. Indicated amongst these aspects, is the need to incorporate the questionnaire into a more wider-ranging evaluation plan, such as DOCENTIA, the possibility of creating banks of items, the inclusion of open items and the exigency of undertaking on-line applications of the questionnaire.References
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