The concept of culture used by future teachers: an ethnographic analysis
Initial teacher education, culture, ethnography, qualitative researchAbstract
The arrival of immigrant families to Spain from other countries has led a sharp increase in foreign students in Spanish schools, which have in turn become multicultural spaces. . The concept of culture could become the framework on which are based discriminations, prejudices and stereotypes towards groups and individuals. This paper describes the main results of an ethnographic study about the perceived concept of culture of students at a Spanish university. In particular this study was developed from data collected among students who, during academic year 2003/2004, attended to “Education and Socio-cultural Diversity”, subject included in this academic year for the first time in the Degree in Education at the University of Almería. This research not only seeks to give an insight into the concept of culture handle these students, but also to analyze the influence of the subject on the concept of culture used by students as well as the influence of the lecturer on their views and attitudes.References
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