Elaboration of measurement instruments for attitudes and opinions from university academic personnel towards teaching professional ethics and its role as values transmitter


  • Rafaela García Universitat de València
  • Mª Reina Ferrández Universitat Jaume I
  • Mª Auxiliadora Sales Universitat Jaume I
  • Mª Odet Moliner Universitat Jaume I




Instruments validation, attitudes, values, professional ethics, professional teaching ethics, University, Exploratory Factorial Analysi


From the research study – a compared analysis of the university academic personnel’s attitudes and values towards professional ethics –, our objective was to discover whether the personnel members themselves consider that the professional ethical dimension in general, and the professional teaching ethics in particular, are essential to be a good teaching professional. In this article, we present the elaboration and validation process of the questionnaire that has been used, with which we hope to make some contribution towards clarifying aspects related with both professional teaching ethics and the ethics of professions within the university environment.


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