Information sources on socio-educational research


  • Alfonso Lorenzo Rodríguez ALTIA Consultores S.A.
  • Ana Belén Martínez Piñeiro Universidad de Vigo
  • Esther Martínez Piñeiro Universidade Santiago de Compostela



Citizenship education, Educational research, Social science research, Information sources, Reference materials, Research tools, Internet, Databases


The objective of this work is to be a reference tool for social-educational researchers and staff: a selection of sources of useful information classified in four categories: catalogues, databases, searchers and webs on Internet, and tools for communication between professional colleagues. The electronic addresses necessary for localizing them, are included.


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Meira Cartea, P. (1997). Proyecto docente. Manuscrito no publicado, Santiago de Compostela.

Müller, J. F. (2003). A Librarian's guide to internet: searching and evaluating information. Oxford: Chandos.

Puig, J. (1987). Información pedagógica. En A. Sanvisens (ed.), Introducción a la pedagogía (pp. 425-444). Barcelona: Barcanova.

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Research Articles