Determination of the factors that condition the quality of an university: practical application of a factorial analysis
Measurement, educational evaluation, multivariate analysis, quality indicators, university quality, university studentAbstract
This article supposes a practical application of the technique of the factorial analysis. Their particularity resides in the nature of the variables that we try to study (conditions of the university quality), of the instrument designed for the study (questionnaire of evaluation) and of the basic objective of this work that is not another that to pick up the opinion of a representative sample of students on the dimensions and elements that they have to conform a model of indicators of university quality.After a first exhibition of ideas in the one that different concomitant elements of the university quality are commented, this technique, applied on a total of 110 ordinal scales, she has given the appearance of thirteen intimately bound factors as a result with the university evaluation and basic approaches to define their quality.
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