The functions of the university professor analyzed by its protagonists. A study at university of Seville according to the specialty of the degree and years of experience


  • Cristina Mayor Ruiz Universidad de Sevilla



Teaching, University, Higher Education


The faculty must attend to three representative functions of this profession: the teaching, the research, and the management. The work that we present intends to investigate in these responsibilities, as well as in the limitations and preoccupations in connection with the professional conditions of the faculty of the University of Seville. The questionnaire is used as strategies of withdrawal of information. The belief of teachers with experience and beginning teachers certifies the fundamental shaft of this work. The analysis of data and the results originating from the same are presented in this study.

Author Biography

Cristina Mayor Ruiz, Universidad de Sevilla

Departamento de Didáctica y Organización Escolar y Métodos de Investigación y Diagnóstico en Educación. Universidad de Sevilla


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