School participation, Family support, Performance in Mathematics: The case of Mexico in PISA (2012).
Familial support, Parental participation, Mathematics, PISA, MexicoAbstract
The purpose of the work is to understand 1) the multidemensional structure and the validity of two convergent and divergent constructs: parental participation in school, and parental support for learning in the home and 2) the relationship between these two constructs to the performance of students in mathematics. The study was conducted with Mexican PISA databases (2012); specifically, with the answers of 33,806 parents to 18 questions in familial questionnaires, as well as with their children´s scores in mathematics. To achieve this objective two types of analysis were conducted: exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis of the responses of the parents 2) Confirmatory Factorial Analysis of Trajectories with the answers of the parents as independent variable and the mathematics scores of their children as the dependent variable. The results show that the first construct is composed of three dimensions and that the second of two constructs, together they have a load factor that explains the 10% of variance in student mathematics performance.References
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