About the Journal
Focus and Scope
TERRA: Revista de Desarrollo Local (ISSN: 2386-9968): is an initiative of the University of Valencia section of the Interuniversity Institute for Local Development, which brings together academic reflection and professional practice in this field of study and work. Given the very nature of local development, understood in its broadest sense, TERRA has a pluridisciplinary character in which the dimensions: environmental, social, cultural, institutional, economic and political of development, seen as a process that has to be territorially rooted. So, contributions from architecture, urbanism, land use planning, sociology, social work, tourism, economy, geography, law, regional science, heritage study, political science or environmental science are welcome.
TERRA is a Open Acces platform for the dissemination of the most advanced theoretical reflection and best practices in the field of local development that are being implemented in the Spanish, European and Latin American context. In this way, it serves as a meeting point for academics, managers, and politicians.
Peer Review Process
The Editorial Board of the magazine will review all articles related to the field of study submitted to it. The papers must be unpublished and not submitted for publication in any other medium; all authors of an original are assumed to have given their approval for submission to the journal.
The originals will be submitted to the criteria of two anonymous external evaluators (double referee). The external evaluators will be professionals and academics with a relevant background and recognized prestige in the field of local development. The Editorial Board will select the most appropriate evaluators in each case according to the subject matter of the article.
Works may be accepted, subject to minor or major revisions, or rejected. The entire review process until an article is accepted for publication will take a maximum of 12 weeks. The editorial decision will be communicated to the authors indicating the reasons for the resolution adopted.
List of external evaluators from July 01, 2018 to June 30, 2020: see page 12 and following of the Editorial Report, number 6 (2020).
List of external evaluators from July 01, 2020 to June 30, 2021: see pages 11 and 12 of the Editorial Report, issues 7 and 8 (2021).
List of external evaluators from July 01, 2021 to June 30, 2022: see pages 27 and 28 of the Editorial Report, issues 9 and 10 (2022).
Publication Frequency
Journal publishes two numbers a year: July and December. For the first number, originals are accepted until May 15th. For the second, until the 15th of October.
Open Access Policy
Publication on TERRA is completely free, there is no charge for processing the original texts or for publication or dispatch. From 2015 until February 2019 the texts published in this journal were licensed under an "Attribution-NonCommercial (by NC)" licence from Creativa Commons. In February 2019, with the update of the website and the Author Guidelines, this licence was updated to the current system in force: "Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International":
You may copy, distribute and communicate them publicly provided that you cite the author(s) and the name of this publication (TERRA: Revista de Desarrollo Local) are not used for commercial purposes and do not make derivative works of them. The license is available in full at Creative Commons.
Ethical principles, good practice and anti-plagiarism
The journal's management reminds authors that the content of their manuscripts must be original and unpublished, not previously published in any medium nor being in the process of being evaluated in another journal. Only partially previously published material will be accepted (including Doctoral Theses, Final Papers and Master's Papers that can be consulted in repositories), if the cause of such duplication is stated and the exact place where the text appeared is given.
The authors of the work must be those who have contributed to its conception, realization, and development, as well as data collection, interpretation of results, writing and review. All of them should include in the authorship data requested during the submission of a manuscript by the Open Journal System platform, their ORCID personal identification number. Those who do not have it can register for free at http://orcid.org to complete this information.
The contents, opinions, as well as the management and the cost of the reproduction rights of the graphic documentation are exclusively the responsibility of the authors, so the magazine does not assume any responsibility.
Before proposing the publication of a work, we invite you to consult carefully the ''Rules for acceptance of originals and editing process'', available on this website.
People who make a delivery to TERRA. Revista de Desarrollo Local, declare that the text sent for evaluation complies with each one of the next items:
1. Declaration of originality, uniqueness of the work and responsibility
1.1. This work is original and unedited, has not been and will not be sent to another journal for publication unless it is rejected.
1.2. None of the data presented in this paper has been plagiarized, invented, manipulated or distorted. The original data are clearly different from those already published.
1.3. The original sources on which the information contained in the manuscript is based are identified and cited.
1.4. The article adequately quotes the origin of previously published figures, tables, data, photographs, maps, etc, and the necessary permissions are provided for its reproduction, if necessary, in any medium.
1.5. The authors assume sole responsibility for the contents and opinions expressed, despite the previous evaluation process of the text, as well as the possible additional cost caused by the reproduction rights. The Management Team of the journal may delete the article in its electronic version if a serious error or omission affecting third parties, organizations or institutions is detected or verified in the article.
2. Authorship:
2.1. All the people who sign this work have participated in its planning, design, and execution, as well as in the interpretation of the results. They also critically reviewed the work, approved its final version and agreed to its publication.
2.2. No responsible signature has been omitted from the paper and the criteria for scientific authorship are met.
3. Acknowledgements:
3.1. All sources of funding granted for the study are acknowledged, precisely indicating the funding body and the identification code.
3.2. A note of thanks mentions, if any, the persons who, having collaborated partially in the elaboration of the work, are not included in the section of the authorship and are not responsible for the elaboration of the manuscript.
4. Reviewers:
4.1. They must carry out the requested evaluation in an honest, constructive, and quality manner, within the stipulated time limits, trying to handle the material sent with confidentiality.
4.2. They will not make improper use of the unpublished material they receive.
4.3. They will reveal any possible conflicting interests before reviewing a paper.
4.4. They will report any information related to the originality, plagiarism, repeated publications, etc. of the material received, and/or possible misconduct in relation to the research that the material describes.
5. Anti-plagiarism policy:
TERRA regularly uses systems to detect possible plagiarism in the texts it receives. For this reason, TERRA understands by:
5.1. Plagiarism: the reuse of other people's ideas, processes, results, or words without the explicit recognition of the original authors and the sources from which they came.
5.2. Self-plagiarism: the reuse by authors of substantial parts of their own previously published work, without indicating the appropriate references.
5.3. Scientific fraud: the manifest fabrication, manipulation or distortion of data or results to achieve preconceived conclusions.
TERRA monitors these practices by submitting each text to the plagiarism detection software provided by the University of Valencia (EPHORUS). Similarly, direct Google searches for key phrases and those suspected of being plagiarized or self-plagiarized are used as a redundancy tool.
The actions against these practices promoted by TERRA are:
a) The immediate refusal of the text submitted as an original.
b) The future publication of any text proposed by the authors of articles previously rejected because of plagiarism, self-plagiarism or scientific fraud could be considered as unviable.
c) If plagiarism, self-plagiarism or scientific fraud has been detected after the final publication of an edition, the article in question will be removed from the table of contents and the files will be deleted from the TERRA website.
d) The Editorial Board reserves the right to contact plagiarized authors and the organizations and institutions to which they belong, in order to give an account of the facts and their circumstances.
Form for external evaluation
The contents of this form are intended primarily to ensure that the peer review process carried out at TERRA: Revista de Desarrollo Loval is characterized by:
1. Ensure independent review and provide constructive feedback to authors in a respectful manner.
2. Ensure that the manuscripts present an understandable, objective and balanced overview of their respective subject matter.
3. Review that updated, scientifically available and verifiable information is provided.
4. Check that the conclusions or arguments derived from the research are intelligible and relevant to the discipline.
In order to facilitate the task of reviewing, here are some useful hints and/or suggestions: How to review a paper - Including a checklist for hypothesis testing research reports (2020). René Bekkers, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
TERRA: Revista de Desarrollo Local (ISSN: 2386-9968) is listed in the following catalogues, databases and directories (February 2019):
Dialnet Métricas: Q4 en Economía y en Geografía (2021)
Google Scholar (Citas: 181; Índice H: 6; Índice i10: 5)
Latindex Catálogo 2.0 (desde el 07/07/2021): cumple 34 de 38 criterios
CIRC - Ciencias Sociales: Categoría D (2019, 2020, 2021) y Categoría C (2022)
CIRC - Ciencias Humanas: Categoría C (2022)
Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico (REDIB)
Portal de Revistas Ibéricas de Geografía
Firmada la declaración de San Francisco 'DORA signers'
BASE (Bielefed Academic Search Engine)
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
ERIH PLUS (European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences)
CRUE. Universidades Españolas. Red de Bibliotecas REBIUN
International Standard Serial Number (IISN)
Academic Resource Index. ResearchBid
International Institute of Organized Research (I2OR)
1. Originals accepted for publication in issue number 12 (2023), Articles section:
2. Originals accepted for publication in number 12 (2023), Experiences and Good Practices section:
2.1. (...)
3. Originals accepted for publication in number 12 (2023), Reviews section:
3.2. (...)
Contribution from authors
To evidence the contributions of the different authors, TERRA uses and relies on the CRediT system (Contributors Roles Taxonomy). You will find here a template (EXCEL file), with precise instructions, which must be sent with the article: click here to download the template.
Sources of Support
The University of Valencia's Inter-University Institute for Local Development transfers a total of:
600.00 euros in 2023.
600.00 euros in 2022.
800.00 euros in 2021.
500.00 euros in 2020.
200.00 euros in 2019.
Journal History
Terra: Revista de Desarrollo Local (ISSN: 2386-9968) is an initiative of the Inter-University Institute for Local Development (University of Valencia). The first issue was published in January 2015. Until February 2019 the journal was managed and edited by Prof Dr Juan Miguel Albertos Puebla with the support of Prof Dr María Dolores Pitarch. During those four years, four issues were published.
In February 2019, Prof Dr Jaime Escribano took on the role of manager and editor of the journal and Dr Carme Melo took on the secretariat. Both professors work at the Department of Geography at the University of Valencia.
In 2020 the journal will publish for the first time two issues per year, one in July and one in December.
From August 2020 to February 2021, Prof Dr José Javier Serrano Lara (also a member of the IIDL-Valencia and the Department of Geography) takes over the secretariat of the journal, replacing Prof Dr Carme Melo, after a productive year and a half in that position. In March 2021, the secretariat of the journal will pass to Prof Dr Antonio Valera Lozano. On 01 January 2022, the scientific secretariat tasks will be the responsibility of Prof Dr Néstor Vercher Savall, while those related to technical aspects of the journal will be the responsibility of Mr Francesc Cuello Llobell and Ms Mayca de Castro Rodríguez.
During September 2020, Ms Águeda Segarra Alés does 150 hours of extra-curricular practices contribuiting to the website update, the journal indexing, and content dissemination. Mr Francisco Cuello Llobell takes over the work carried out by Ms Águeda, from July to September 2021, for a total of 120 hours.