Review. Xodos, a village in Penyagolosa
Xodos, rural world, history, masoveria, nova ruralitat.
"Xodos, un poble de Penyagolosa" is a monumental work signed by Joaquim Escrig and Artur Aparici, historian and sociologist respectively, on the social and popular history of a village in the mountains of Castellón such as Xodos. This book shows a complete history not only of a small village, but of a whole rural world that went through moments of crisis and transformation throughout its history, until the beginning of the 20th century, when a slow but inexorable decline began. This work, profusely accompanied by graphic material, not only deals with the social and economic evolution of the town, but also ventures hypotheses for the future with an interesting ending on the new rurality, with a critical perspective that is not very common in historiographical studies
Aparici, A. (2022): Mirada satírica y crítica del los «bureos» de las masías A: X Seminari Recartografías. San Agustín, 31 de març de 2023. En línia: Consulta: [19-maig-2023].
Del Romero, L: (2023): El arte de vivir en la España vaciada. Colonialismo energético, crisis climática y transición ecosocial. Madrid: Fuhem ecosocial.
Escrig, J. i Aparici, A. (2022): Xodos, un poble de Penyagolosa. Castelló: UJI.
Luxemburg, R. (2015): The accumulation of capital. A contribution to the economic theory of imperialism. A: The complete works of Rosa Luxemburg, vol. 2. Londres: Verso.
Martín, D. (2021): «El govern valencià és el primer factor de despoblament». Entrevista a Artur Aparici. En: La Veu. En línia: Consulta: [19-maig-2023].
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