About the Journal

Focus and Scope

EFÍMERE is an electronic academic research journal, created from the Ephemeral Joint Research Unit. Art, education and Creativity. UV+UPV.

The objectives of the journal are to offer a space for multidisciplinary academic exchange, but focussed on the visual arts, ephemeral art, visual research, visual culture and aesthetic experiences, as well as their links with artistic education. We publish original research articles, analysis and theoretical reflection and photoassays in the languages: Spanish, Valencian/Catalan, Portuguese and English.

EFÍMERE is an academic research journal focussed on visual research and its links with education and creativity, especially in the field of ephemeral and visual arts. The objectives of the magazine are to offer a multidisciplinary academic exchange space but focussed on the visual arts, ephemeral art, visual research, visual culture and aesthetic experiences, as well as links with artistic education. Among the priority themes of our publication, we have: Ephemeral art in all its dimensions and complexities, as well as the reflections and analyses that can be derived. Relationships between art, popular culture and identities. Ephemeral aesthetic experiences. The city as a space for ephemeral visual experiences. Ephemeral art as an educational resource. History of ephemeral art. Ephemeral arts: performance, art of action, interventions, ephemeral installations, ephemeral sculptures, etc.

Among the priority topics of our publication are:

- Ephemeral art in all its dimensions and complexities, as well as the reflections and analyses that can be derived from it.

- Relationships between art, popular culture and identities.

- Aesthetic and ephemeral experiences.

- The city as a space for visual and aesthetic experiences.

- Ephemeral art and artistic experiences as an educational resource.

- History of ephemeral art and history of art in general.

- Ephemeral arts: performance, action art, interventions, ephemeral installations, ephemeral sculptures, etc.

- Visual and aesthetic analysis of art and images.

- Other topics and related issues.