Focus and scope

- The journal Quaderns de Filologia: Estudis Lingüístics is an open access scientific publication in OJS, published on an annual basis, which disseminates original research in the field of linguistics.
- As stated in its publication guidelines, each issue of this journal is a monograph, edited by at least a researcher from the Universitat de València and another one from a different academic institution.
- The journal is targeted at scholars and researchers in linguistics in multiple languages, which are reflected in its articles.
- The journal counts on an Editorial Board and a Scientific Committee. Two thirds of their members are researchers external to the Universitat de València.
- The journal also has a panel of external specialists for each issue, some members of the Editorial Board and other specialists alien to both committees.
- The review process is peer review, double blind.
- As stated in the publication guidelines, 80% of the articles for each issue are contributed by external researchers. More than 90% of contributors are alien to the editorial organization of the journal.
- This journal is published annually: the issue is published in December of the current year.
- All articles include an abstract and keywords in various languages and the citation reference at the bottom of the first page.
- In OJS, metadata for all articles and volumes are offered in three languages: Spanish, Catalan and English.
- Quaderns de Filologia has no commercial aims: we do not charge authors or editors for publication.