Representation, Democracy, and the Ecological Age


  • Mihnea Tănăsescu Universite de Mons


Palabras clave:

Political representation, Anthropocene studies, environmental humanities, environmental political theory, representación política, estudios del Antropoceno, humanidades ambientales, teoría política ambiental


Representación, Democracia, y la Edad Ecologica

Abstract: We live in the age of ecology?the Ecocene. And if we start from the messy ecological relations that are pushing radical changes in human societies, new problems and new questions arise. This research note is concerned with how the ecological age is shifting the meaning of political representation, especially in relation to non-humans. Taking cues from ontological pluralism and specific situations it proposes that representation can no longer be uniquely thought as the practice of making present that which is absent. Instead, it becomes the creation of hybrid voices based on an ever-expanding array of beings that come to matter. 

Resumen: Vivimos en la era de la ecología: el Ecoceno. Y si comenzamos desde las desordenadas relaciones ecológicas que están impulsando cambios radicales en las sociedades humanas, surgen nuevos problemas y nuevas preguntas. Esta nota de investigación analiza cómo la edad ecológica está cambiando el significado de la representación política, especialmente en relación con los no humanos. Partiendo del pluralismo ontológico y de situaciones concretas, propone que la representación ya no puede concebirse únicamente como la práctica de hacer presente lo que está ausente. En su lugar, se convierte en la creación de voces híbridas basadas en un conjunto cada vez mayor de seres que llegan a importarnos.


Biografía del autor/a

Mihnea Tănăsescu, Universite de Mons

Mihnea T?n?sescu is political theorist in the School of Human and Social Sciences, department of Sociology and Anthropology, University of Mons, Belgium. He has been visiting fellow of the New School for Social Research, USA, and the University of Auckland, Aotearoa New Zealand. His work spans many topics, including the legal and political representation of nature, the politics of nature conservation, the history of cartography, and the politics of plant pathology. His latest books are Ecocene Politics and Understanding the Rights of Nature: A Critical Introduction.


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Cómo citar

Tănăsescu, M. (2023). Representation, Democracy, and the Ecological Age. Quaderns De Filosofia, 10(2), 121–132.
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