About the Journal
Focus and Scope
SCRIPTA. Revista Internacional de Literatura i Cultura Medieval i Moderna /International Journal of Medieval & Modern Literature & Culture is an international academic electronic publication dedicated to disseminating research on literature and culture of medieval and modern times mainly in the regions of Catalonia, Valencia, the Balearic Islands, Northern Catalonia, the Franja and Alghero. Addresses all researchers in these areas.
SCRIPTA is created with the intention of being available in open access, following the Berlin Declaration (ACG194 / 2008), in which participated the University of Valencia, which aims to make available knowledge to everyone, in international forums, with free access to publications.
SCRIPTA has a management team composed by its Director, the Secretary, the Editor and the Editorial Board, which are completed by the Scientific Advisory Board. In both cases, the charges will be renewed every four years the Editorial Board will choose the director, and Secrertari Editor, and the new directive being renewed or elect new members of the Scientific Advisory Board. This policy is intended to include, if appropriate, most people in the hilly areas of university research.
Peer Review Process
1. All articles must be original research and may not have been previously published.
2. The magazine promises to inform authors, within two months, the acceptance or rejection of their work.
3. Articles will go through a process of anonymous external evaluation, which will be managed by the director and secretary of the magazine. Reviewers may recommend publication of the work without any need for adjustments or may propose amendments necessary for it to be published and, in this case, the suggestions and instructions of the evaluators will be communicated to the authors incorporate. Evaluators will also recommend not publishing a work, reasoned criteria. In this case, assume the script prompts assessors, provided they are matched, and the editor of the decision communicated to the author and provide the reasons for rejecting that have been adduced. If there is no agreement between evaluators on whether or not to publish an article, the Editorial Board will make the final decision and, if agreed upon its publication, will be a special track for the changes suggested they are incorporated into the final version of the work.
Publication Frequency
SCRIPTA. Revista Internacional de Literatura i Cultura Medieval i Moderna / International Journal of Medieval & Modern Literature & Culture will have a frequency of two times a year, to be published in June and December.
In each article, however, appear the date of receipt and acceptance by the editorial board.
Open Access Policy
All documents included in OJS are free and the property of their authors. The magazine has the right to broadcast and distribution of texts for academic purposes. Any reproduction, public communication or total or partial transformation needs the express written consent of the authors or the direction of the magazine.
Catálogo LATINDEX (35 /36)
ISOC - Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades
Regesta Imperii (Alemanya)
REDIB. Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento
SUDOC (França)
ZDB (Alemanya)
The quality and rigour that a research journal must demand needs to go hand in hand with a series of ethical principles affecting editors, reviewers and authors during the publishing process. With this in mind, Scripta is keen to show its commitment to the ethical code by which it is governed and which is based on the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), as set out below.
Responsibilities of the Editorial Board
- Uphold the quality of all content in the journal by carrying out external reviews done by experts to ensure that papers make a significant contribution to knowledge in their area of expertise and that they follow the basic principles governing any research article.
- Guarantee the acceptance or rejection of papers taking into account only the academic value of the text and no other criterion that may personally or professionally discriminate against the author.
- Guarantee that papers are original and have not been previously published. To this aim, specific programmes for preventing plagiarism and redundant or duplicated publication (an article or paper coincides in its essential content with that of another published work) will be used. If, at any point in the editorial process, evidence of any kind of practice that contravenes this ethical principle is found, the paper will be rejected automatically.
- Preserve the anonymity of authors and reviewers throughout the entire editorial process.
- Keep an updated list of external reviewers who are experts in the various fields of knowledge covered by the journal, including their name and institution, e-mail address, field of expertise and a record of reviews requested and completed.
- Provide external reviewers with a standard review form enabling them to assess papers following criteria of originality, relevance for the field of knowledge, methodological rigour and formal presentation.
- Thank and recognise external reviewers for completed work. Upon request, Scriptaa will issue reviewers with documentary evidence of completed review work.
- Offer authors the chance to appeal editorial decisions. Appeals must be addressed to the journal director. The Editorial Board will attempt to resolve the conflict and will respond as quickly as possible.
- Be willing to publish corrections, clarifications or apologies when appropriate.
- Resolve any conflicts relating to non-ethical behaviour that the editorial team may become aware of.
- The journal will publish annually the list of evaluators who have intervened in the reviews, during each period.
Reviewers’ responsibilities
- Accept the review job only if they believe that they have the correct skills to complete it successfully.
- Make a judgement, as specialists, on whether the papers they review are of the correct quality for publication in the journal.
- Review original articles objectively and not undertake to do a review if they feel that a conflict of interest of any kind (academic or personal) could mean that they are unable to produce a a neutral and objective report.
- Review manuscripts constructively, respecting the author’s intellectual and academic ability.
- Ensure that papers include the most important bibliographic references on the topic discussed.
- Abstain from making comments about the work they are reviewing and from using the information contained in it before the paper is published.
- Respect the anonymity of the review process and commit to safeguarding confidentiality both during the review and once it is completed.
- Inform the editors if they find that an article contains material that is substantially similar to already published work.
- Undertake to produce the review report by the deadline set by the editors.
Authors’ responsibilities
- Guarantee that the paper is an original piece of work, not previously published in any other medium or in any other language, and that it has not been submitted to any other publication.
- Indicate in the text whether the study has received some kind of funding.
- Ensure that all bibliographic references cited in the text, and only these, are listed in the bibliography at the end.
- Include any changes that the reviewers have considered necessary in order for the paper to be published in its final version.
- Guarantee that permission has been obtained to use any kind of material that may complement the text of the paper (images, tables, diagrams, etc.) and provide the editors with proof of this when requested.
Action in the event of non-ethical behaviour
- Anyone may inform the Editorial Board of cases of non-ethical behaviour, provided that they can be substantiated by evidence, which will subsequently be examined by the journal. The author involved will be the first to have the opportunity of responding to the allegations made. If the response is not satisfactory, the Editorial Board will resolve the problem either by consulting experts in the matter or by any other means they consider to be appropriate.
Universitat de València
- Universitat de València