Cambrian biogeography of the Perigondwana Faunal Realm
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Cambrian, trilobites, biogeography, Perigondwana Faunal Realm.
The Cambrian Perigondwana Faunal Realm includes the Mediterranean region (Morocco, Spain, South France, Sardinia and Jordan) and Central Europe (Doberlug and Garlitz, both in Germany) during the Early and Late Cambrian time; and the Near East, Central, South and Southeast Asia, China, Korea, Australia and Antarctica from Early to Late Cambrian time. In Altai-Sayan and western Mongolia there is fauna! overlap of Recllichioicl and Olenellioid Fauna! Provinces as in Morocco and Spain. The areas of overlap are widely separated by areas of no known overlap and the time duration is small.
Lower Cambrian genera of the Superfamily Redlichioiclea, Middle Cambrian genera of Families Proasaphiscidae, Dorypygidae. Dolichometopidae and Oryctocephaliclae, late Middle and early Late Cambrian genera of the Superfamily Damesellioidea and late Late Cambrian genera of the Superfamilies Leiostegioidea and Ptychaspidioidea are the bases for defining the Perigonclwana Faunal Realm. Some open-shelf agnostid and polymerid genera are also used. At the same time, the boundaries between the Mediterranean and the Acado-Baltic Faunal Provinces and the palaeogeography of the Near East and South Asia are discussed. The appearance of Paradoxides-fauna in North Africa and the Mediterranean region is explained.
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