Submissions Guidelines
Vivesiana, Journal of Humanism and Renaissance, publishes articles in Spanish, English, French, Portuguese, Italian, German and Valencian.
Originality - Articles must be original and unpublished.
The first page of the paper should contain: title (in the language of the article and English), full name of the authors and e-mail address, summary and abstract (maximum 250 words, single-spaced) and keywords and key words (between 3 and 5).
1. Format of the body of the text: Articles shall be submitted in Word format.
1.1. Margins:
Top and bottom: 2.5 cm.
Right and left: 3 cm.
1.2. Sources:
- Times New Roman 12 point for the body of the text.
- Times New Roman 11 point for indented quotations.
- Times New Roman 10-point for footnotes.
1.3. Line spacing: 1.5.
- Paragraphs in the body of the text must be indented by 1.25 cm on the first line.
- Quotations longer than 5 lines must be indented 1.25 cm (without first line indentation and without inverted commas).
- The bibliography will appear with a French indentation of 1.25 cm.
2. Images
Articles may contain images. Authors must have the corresponding authorisation to publish them if they are not in the public domain.
In the body of the text, the reference to an image should be indicated by the abbreviation Fig. Example: "Bridget Birgersdotter known as Saint Bridget of Sweden [Fig. 2]".
3 Citation rules
Explicit quotations should be enclosed in Latin or Spanish inverted commas (" "). Quotations appearing within an explicit quotation must be enclosed in Anglo-Saxon inverted commas (" "). The use of single inverted commas (' ') is restricted to expressing the meaning of a term.
Secondary bibliographical references should appear in the body of the text - never at the foot of the page - in square brackets with an indication of the year and page if the author has been cited previously, and the author, year and page otherwise.
Example: We agree with Román in pointing out that one of the most harmful consequences of Castellet's 1960 anthology was the exclusion of "the most vivid of the post-war surrealist avant-garde", in which Cirlot should be placed [2011: 207: 11].
4. Bibliography: to appear at the end of the article as "Bibliographical references", indented 1.25 cm, single-spaced and arranged alphabetically (authors' surnames should be in small capitals and the first name should be written in full) according to the following models:
1. Books:
Romero Frías, Esteban; Sánchez González, María (ed.) (2014) Ciencias sociales y humanidades digitales: técnicas, herramientas y experiencias de e-research e investigación en colaboración. La Laguna, Tenerife: Sociedad Latina de Comunicación Social.
2. Book chapters:
Del Rio Riande, Gimena (2016) "¿De qué hablamos cuando hablamos de Humanidades Digitales?" in G. del Rio Riande et al. (eds.) Las Humanidades Digitales desde Argentina: Tecnologías, culturas, saberes. Buenos Aires: Editorial de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, 50-62. <> [Accessed: 2 August 2018].
3. Articles in journals:
Codina-Canet, María Adelina; San Segundo, Rosa (2020) Digital documentary projects for the reconstruction of women's history with gender analysis. Historia y comunicación social 26(1), 279-289.
Toscano, Maurizio; Rabadán, Aroa; Ros, Salvador; González-Blanco, Elena (2020). Digital humanities in Spain: Historical perspective and current scenario. Profesional de la información, 29, n. 6, e290601.
<> [Accessed: 7 August 2021].
5. Internet references:
Fitzpatrick, Katherine (2010). "Reporting from the Digital Humanities 2010 Conference. The Chronichle of Higher Education. [Accessed 9 September 2018].
Mention of volume, issue and period of publication.
Megusta this format: Vol. 31 No. 89 (2024): Spiral 89 (January-April 2024).
Publish the DOI on all article pages
In my opinion, this is the best option.
Publish the period of receipt, acceptance and publication in each article.
In my opinion, this is the best option.
Other formats MP3, XML, HTML, etc.
I like the option of the ornithology magazine.
Good practices in gender equality
Vivesiana, Journal of Humanism and Renaissance, is committed to gender policies that lead to real equality in our society between women and men through the following actions.
Editorial participation. This journal aims to achieve a balance in the percentage of women and men on the Editorial Team, as well as in the people who review the articles.
Use of inclusive language. To recommend the use of inclusive language in scientific articles, for this purpose we recommend consulting the GuíGuide to non-sexist language produced by the University of Granada (PDF).
Sex and gender in research. It will be required to report on whether the source data of the research takes into account sex, in order to allow the identification of possible differences. Inclusion in the article of the full name of the authors of the work published. In this regard, it is recommended to consult the Guí guide áPracticalóinclusion of the égenderóresearch
Articles previously deposited in the Preprints server
On this issue I don't really know what to say
Text and images generated by Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Vivesiana, Journal of Humanism and Renaissance, adheres to the ICMJE's recommendations of the ICMJE with regard to the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the (AI) in the production of manuscripts. Authors using such technology should describe, both in the cover letter and in the relevant section of the submitted paper, if applicable, how they have used it. Chatbots (such as ChatGPT) should not be listed as authors because they cannot be responsible for the accuracy, completeness and originality of the work, and these responsibilities are necessary for authorship.
Call for Papers
Vivesiana, Journal of Humanism and Renaissance, begins a new stage in its history with the aim of becoming a reference in the field of humanistic and Renaissance studies. Its backbone is the figure of Juan Luis Vives and, with him, the history of European Jews and converts, as well as the various fields of research in Renaissance humanism. Therefore, original and unpublished research papers that are not being simultaneously evaluated in another journal will be accepted. The subject matter of these articles may cover any aspect of literature, history, philology, philosophy, pedagogy, anthropology, religion or law throughout the 15th and 17th centuries. Contributions on the survival of Juan Luis Vives in any historical period are also welcome.
The articles will be evaluated by the blind peer review system and must be uploaded to the OJS platform, with prior registration of the author(s) on the platform. The electronic address for this will be the following: xxxxxxx
Once approved, articles will be uploaded to the journal on a rolling basis, as this and all subsequent issues will remain open between 1 January and 15 November of each calendar year.
If you have any further questions, please contact us at