Ethics of Artificial Intelligence applied to judicial process




In this paper, a framework of regulatory ethical principles of Legal Artificial Intelligence applied to the judicial process is proposed. It will begin with an introduction to the current social and technological situation. The challenges posed by Legal Artificial Intelligence will be then briefly discussed. A summary of the European ethical approach to this technology will follow. Next paragraph will refer to the seven ethical-legal principles that should guide the development of Legal Artificial Intelligence applied to judicial process. Finally, the need for a legislative development of these principles will be pointed.


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Author Biography


MIGUEL DE ASIS PULIDO Doctorando del Programa de Derecho y Ciencias sociales de la UNED


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How to Cite

de Asis Puido, M. (2023). Ethics of Artificial Intelligence applied to judicial process. Cuadernos Electrónicos De Filosofía Del Derecho, (48), 60–79.
  • Abstract
  • PDF (Español)





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