Transformaciones sociales y territoriales en el incremento de la movilidad por razón de trabajo en Andalucía
According to 1991 and 2001 Census data, commuting has experienced an important growth in Andalusia, especially among neighbour municipalities. This paper explores the factors linked with that growth, both as causes and as consequences: changes in the composition of the working population in terms of sector of activity and socioeconomic groups, the spatial widening of local labour markets and the evolution of commuting spatial organization, particularly in metropolitan areas. Findings show that a majority of factors taken into account have a significant contribution to the expansion and intensification of commuting flows. Among these factors developments in the organization and structure of the urban system are identified as the main reasons for such commuting growth. However, these developments are also, to a certain degree, a result of changes in economic activities and socioeconomic structure, and in the associated local labour markets.Descàrregues
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