Ethics policy

The editorial team of Cuadernos de Geografía de la Universitat de València reminds the authors of manuscripts that their content must be original and unpublished, not previously published in any format or be in the process of evaluation in another journal. For the detection of plagiarism, Cuadernos de Geografía de la Universitat de València uses the URKUND system in its peer review process. In the event that the result is positive, the journal will send the contact author of the article the report issued by the anti-plagiarism tool so that he/she can present a response before the editorial team reports the rejection of the article. Only partially published material will be accepted beforehand (including doctoral theses and final master works that can be consulted in repositories), if the cause of such duplication is stated and the exact place where said text appeared is provided.

The author or authors of the work must be those who have contributed to its conception, realization and development, including data collection, the interpretation of results, its writing and revision. All of them must provide their ORCID code in the authorship data requested during the submission of a manuscript through the Open Journal System platform. Those who lack and ID must register for free on to complete this information.

The contents, opinions, as well as the management and cost of the rights of reproduction of the graphic documentation is the sole responsibility of the authors, so the journal does not assume any coresponsibility.

Before proposing the publication of a work, we recommend consulting the "Author guidelines", available on the website.

Authors submitting a manuscript to Cuadernos de Geografía de la  Universitat de València declare that the article submitted for evaluation complies with each and every one of the following items:

Declaration of originality, unpublished character of work and responsibility

1) This work is original and unpublished, it has not been sent nor will it be sent to another journal for publication, unless it is rejected.
2) None of the data presented in this work has been plagiarized, invented, manipulated or distorted. The original data are clearly distinguished from those already published.
3) The original sources on which the information contained in the manuscript is based are identified and cited.
4) The origin of the figures, tables, data, photographs, maps, etc., previously published, is duly quoted in the article, and the necessary permits are provided for its reproduction, if necessary, in any medium.
5) The authors assume sole responsibility for the contents and opinions expressed, despite the prior evaluation process of the text, as well as the possible additional cost caused by the reproduction rights. The management team of the journal may delete the article in its electronic version if a serious error or omission that affects third parties or institutions is detected.

6) All the individuals who sign this work have participated in its planning, design and execution, as well as in the interpretation of the results. They also reviewed the work critically, approved its final version and agree with its publication.
7) No signature responsible for the work has been omitted and the criteria of scientific authorship are satisfied.

8) All funding sources are recognized, concisely indicating the funding agency and the identification code.
9) An acknowledgments section recognises the contribution of indiviudals or institutions that, having partially collaborated in the preparation of the work, do not appear in the authorship section nor are they responsible for the preparation of the manuscript.