Good practice policy on gender issues
This journal is committed to promoting equality between men and women, to giving visibility to the scientific work of women, and to promoting the use of inclusive language in scientific publications.
Specifically through the following actions:
— Maintaining a balance in the percentage of women and men on the Scientific Committee.
— Compliance with a minimum percentage of 40% of women as reviewers of papers submitted to the journal.
— Require the use of inclusive language in scientific articles. Inclusive language recognises diversity, is respectful of all people, takes differences into account and promotes equal opportunities. Articles will not contain assumptions about readers' beliefs or beliefs, and will avoid any claims of superiority related to race, gender, culture or any other characteristic. Articles should use unbiased language, using terms that avoid stereotyping. In this respect, we recommend consulting the Guide to equality in language published by the Equality Unit of the University of Valencia.
— Inclusion in the journal of the full name of the authors of the works that appear in the bibliographical references of each contribution, despite the fact that the APA standards indicate only the abbreviation.