Games and challenges of linguistic and cultural mixing in 'Verre Cassé' by Alain Mabanckou
hybridity, linguistic and cultural interbreeding, plural identity
Examining the literary production of African writers of Migritude immediately leads to a key notion: hybridity. Indeed, contemporary African storytelling overturns all the norms of traditional writing and stipulates plurilingualism and pluriculturalism. It is in this perspective that this contribution proposes to shed light on the modalities and challenges of hybridity in Verre Cassé by Alain Mabanckou. It will be a question, first of all, of detecting the signs of aesthetic and cultural rupture. Second, we will aim to demonstrate that the hybridity in this narrative, considered as an intertextual puzzle, conveys a claim of identity through the use of lexical, grammatical and hybrid semantic structures.
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