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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

    1. The submission has not been published previously, nor has it been sent to another journal (or if it has, an explanation has been offerred in the Comments to the publisher)

    2. The file sent is in one of the following formats: OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect.

    3. Website addresses have been added to the references where possible.

    4. The format of the text is single space; 12 point font size; italics are used instead of underlining (except for the URLs; and all the illustrations, figures and tables are in the corresponding place within the text and not at the end.

    5. The text meets the requirements as regards both bibliography and style as indicated in the  Rules for authors, which may be found in About the review.

    6. If the article is sent to a section of the journal that is peer-reviewed, make sure that the instructions in  Ensuring a blind review have been followed.

Author Guidelines

The documents must be presented in Microsoft Word format, single-spaced with symmetrical margins of 2.5 cm and the pages numbered. The total length of the documents must not exceed 10000 words, including bibliography, notes and annexes. The notes on the documents must be at the foot of the page, numbered in ascending order using Arabic figures.

The font used will be Times New Roman, number 12. In no case will underlining or bold type be used. The titles, numbered following the outline in the model (1., 1.1., 1.1.1., 2…) will use the Times New Roman 12 font with versals, as included in the model (capital letters must not be used). In the event of wishing to highlight a phrase or word in the text, italics will be used. Decimals will always be written with commas.

The first page of the document will include the title of the piece of work in Spanish and English, the full name of the author or authors, their institutional affiliation and their email address. An analytical summary in Spanish and English (of approximately 200 words) will be on the second page, as will the key words in Spanish and English (between 2 and 5 words) and the JEL classification (two digits). There must be no mention of the names of the authors nor must there be any personal references in the rest of the text as these can make it easier for the reviewers to identify the author. For the very same reason, any self-citation in the version of the article sent for reviewal must be avoided; they may be incorporated, nevertheless, into the corrected version of the article once approved by the reviewers.

The tables (which contain numbers) and the graphs (which include drawings) must be integrated into the text in the correct order with the source of origin duly referenced. Each of these must be preceded by its title (Times New Roman 12, versals), which will state the type (table or graph) accompanied by a number and organised in ascending order (the numbering is used in the case of the tables and the graphs employ their own identification system). The size of the font for the tables and graphs will be Times New Roman 10 and, if colours are used, you are requested to use greyscale and differentiate the lines by means of symbols or by using different styles of plotting, as the copies are printed in black and white. The lines in the tables will be black and will have a width of ½ a point. All of the tables and graphs must be original; consequently, no image or graph taken from another document will be accepted for publication. In addition, the tables or graphs must be sent separately in PDF format.

The mathematical formulas included in the text must be numbered. They will be edited by any equation editor, although the use of MathType is strongly recommended. The formulas will be written in Arial 12 and in italics. All of the mathematical formulas, together with any other symbol appearing in the text, must be sent in PDF format.

The bibliographical references will be placed at the end of the text, with an indentation of 1.25 cm and arranged alphabetically by name of author. No references must be included that have not been cited in the text, and all the citations in the text must appear in the bibliographical references. The style to be used for the books will be as follows: Surnames. Comma. Name (in its absence, initials of the name). Year of publication in brackets. Colon. Title of book in italics. Full stop. Publishers. Comma. Place of publication. Comma. The style to be used for the articles will be as follows: Surnames. Comma. Name (in its absence the initials of the name). Year of publication in brackets. Colon. Title of article in inverted commas. Full stop. Title of journal in italics. Comma. Volume (if registered). Comma. Issue of journal. Comma. Abbreviation pp. Full Stop. Starting page, dash and end page.

The standards laid out in APA 6th edition must be followed (

Once the article is accepted for publication, the authors will receive an email containing a PDF file with a set of paginated proofs which can only be minimally corrected as to their content. In the event of the excessive correction of a text, the addition of new paragraphs or the removal of others that have already been printed, the author in question will pay the supplementary charge incurred by printing the corrections. The proofs will be returned by email (scanned copies or a file indicating the corrections if these are simple and there are only a few), within a maximum of four days after receiving them in order to avoid any possible delay that could prevent them from being published in the scheduled issue. If there are several authors, the proofs will be sent to the person designated by the signatories of the document.

The authors are the only people responsible for the quality of the spelling; nevertheless, the Drafting Committee may correct the style of the article if they consider it will improve its quality.



Privacy Statement

The personal details provided to this review by the authors will be used exclusively for the aims so declared and are not available for any other  purpose; nor will they be made available to third parties for their use or for other purposes.