Entrepreneurship policies in Mexico


  • Angélica Beatriz Contreras Cueva
  • Pamela Macías Álvarez
  • Olga González-Morales




The objective of this research is to analyse the trend of the conditions of the national environment in Mexico that affect entrepreneurial activity, to identify if there are favourable conditions to strengthen entrepreneurship and contribute to the economic development of the country. The research is based on the opinion of experts generated by the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) (2016-2017) on the situation faced by entrepreneurs, as a reference to influence public policies for entrepreneurship. The methodology uses correspondence analysis, which allows analysing categorical data and detecting underlying structures in a data set, thereby describing aspects of the opinion of experts. With the averages, the level of valuations of the conditions that determine the undertaking is analysed, results from Mexico are compared with the state of Jalisco. The results highlight the need to design and implement public policies related to tax rates, regulations and programs that promote an entrepreneurial spirit to strengthen businesses and their consolidation. Within the higher education system, creativity and innovation are encouraged, but not at the primary and secondary levels, so strengthening the entrepreneurial training that promotes the entrepreneurial culture as a promoter of employment and economic growth.


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How to Cite

Contreras Cueva, A. B., Macías Álvarez, P., & González-Morales, O. (2021). Entrepreneurship policies in Mexico. International Review of Economic Policy-Revista Internacional De Política Económica, 3(1), 63–75. https://doi.org/10.7203/IREP.3.1.21248
  • Abstract
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