Anti-plagiarism policy

Plagiarism (when information, ideas or data from other authors are presented as one's own). Two forms of plagiarism will be considered: direct copying of a text without the use of quotation marks or citation of the source; modification of some words of the text, paraphrasing or without sufficient identification of the source.

- The detection of plagiarism and previously published material is carried out prior to the submission of manuscripts to the judges; it is done automatically, using specialized information search engines (Urkund, Ephorus) licensed by the institution that holds co-ownership of this journal.

- When required, the institutions that have financed the research of an article must grant permission for publication. In all cases, authors should cite any funding institutions or other organizations that have helped the work to be carried out.

- If there is evidence of dishonest practice, the journal will reject any published work, including a note to that effect in the issue in which the article was published.