Integration of ozone therapy for head and neck infective and chronic disease


  • Philip J. Mollica American College of Integrative Medicine and Dentistry



ozone, integration, detoxification, reparative osteogenesis


Treatment and management of complex chronic disease states within the head and neck have traditionally been treated within the scope and philosophy of allopathic based dental/medical model. Success is therapeutically based upon three stanchions symptomology, pharmacology and surgical intervention. As with the successes of any therapeutic model some complications are possible. Symptomatic treatment does not address the root causality of the disease process. In addition, the patient can experience pharmaceutical side effects and post-surgical compilations such as infection and impaired healing processes. Ozone therapy as part of an Integrative Biologic Dental Medicine model has allowed for a paradigm shift in thinking and approach to the ever-growing problems of therapy resistant infection, aging population and chronic long term aliments. The management of acute and chronic infective disease is a critical factor in the overall health and wellness of patients. The head and neck are principle areas of infective disease. Primary contributors to this issue are infections of odontogenic and/or osteogenic origins. Ozone therapy has become one of the principle therapeutic modalities utilized in Integrative Biologic Dental Medicine “IBDM’. The objective of this paper will be to explain and demonstrate specifically how ozone therapy is utilized in dental medicine. Through specific micro-dosing and anatomic placement of ozone enhanced healing processes can occur. Reparative osteogenesis is one corner stone in the restoration and maintenance of human jaw integrity


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Author Biography

Philip J. Mollica, American College of Integrative Medicine and Dentistry

Professor, Department of Integrative Biologic Dental Medicine


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How to Cite

Mollica, P. J. (2023). Integration of ozone therapy for head and neck infective and chronic disease. Journal of Ozone Therapy.
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