Scientific approach for ozone absorption in blood during systemic indirect endovenous ozonetherapy




Systemic indirect endovenous ozonotherapy blood ozone


Introduction. Reading reference ozone books from Dra. Menendez, Dra. Viebhan, Dra. Borrelli and Dr. Bocci, proper timing for mixing ozone in blood during autohemotherapy is not calculated in a scientific way, having only an estimation of it based on changes in the blood color, more related to oxygen absorption than on ozone itself. Material and methods. We decided to reproduce a reduced model of great autohemotherapy or recently renamed as systemic indirect endovenous ozonotherapy (SIEVO) by the World Federation of Ozone Therapy – WFOT, using syringes to simplify the experiment. Our model consisted of a 20 mL syringe filled with 10 mL of blood withdrawn from healthy volunteers and mixed it gently but in controlled way with 10 mL medical ozone at different concentrations; after 5 and 8 seconds, the remaining gas was analyzed by an spectrophotometer based ozone detector to check the amount of ozone. Data were analyzed using a linear regression model. Results. Results show that even for 60 mcgr/mL ozone concentration, 8 seconds is enough to let all ozone absorbed in blood. Discussion and Conclusions. The experiment shows how quick ozone reacts with blood and claims for a trial with real SIEVO devices to achieve a real timing.


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Author Biographies

Jose Baeza-Noci, Hospital NISA Virgen del Consuelo. Valencia.

Orthopedic Surgery

Rosa Pinto-Bonilla, Hospital NISA Virgen del Consuelo. Valencia.

Orthopedic Surgery

Leonor Contreras-Velasco, Hospital de Sant Joan de Dèu. Manresa. Barcelona.

Internal Medicine


Menéndez-Cepero S, León-Fernández OS, Calunga-Fernández JL, Copello-Noblet M, Weiser WT. Advances of Ozone Therapy in Medicine and Dentistry. La Habana: Palcograf; 2016.

Viebhan-Haensler R. The use of ozone in medicine. 5th edition. Iffezheim: ODREI-Publishers; 2007.

Borrelli E. Manuale pratico di grande e piccola autoemoterapia ozonizzata. [Practical handbook for small and great ozonized autohemotherapy ] Second edition. Italy: UNI-Service; 2007.

Bocci V. Ozone. A new medical drug. Second edition. Dordrecht: Springer; 2011.

Gomez-Moraleda M. PhD Thesis on Cinética de las Reacciones del Ozono en Régimen de borboteo y su Aplicación. [Kinetics of Ozone Reactions in Bubbling Regime and its Application]. La Habana: Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas; 1983.




How to Cite

Baeza-Noci, J., Pinto-Bonilla, R., Contreras-Velasco, L., & Gomez-Moraleda, M. (2018). Scientific approach for ozone absorption in blood during systemic indirect endovenous ozonetherapy. Journal of Ozone Therapy, 2(3).
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