Clinical and imaging selection criteria treating lumbar disc herniations by oxygen-ozone therapy, corticosteroid and local anaesthetic.


  • Mario Muto Neuroradiology Dept. “Cardarelli Hospital”, Naples
  • Francesco Giurazza Radiology Dept. “Campus Bio-Medico University”, Rome
  • Ricardo Pimentel Silva Neuroradiology Dept. “Garcia de Orta Hospital”, Almada
  • Gianluigi Guarnieri Neuroradiology Dept. “Cardarelli Hospital”, Naples


Paraules clau:

lumbar pain, herniated disk, oxygen-ozone therapy, fluoro- and CT-guidance, selection criteria


Radicular lumbar back pain is an important public health problem not already provided with a unequivocal treatment approach. Medical and physical therapies represent the first solution, however when these are not successful, the second therapeutic step is still controversial and mini-invasive treatment may play an important role. In these cases oxygen-ozone therapy has been proved to be a very safe and effective option that is widely used with different modalities. This paper, by reviewing oxygen-ozone therapy literature data, aims to propose an effective procedural technique and to clarify patient’s selection criteria; furthermore complications and follow-up management are also considered.


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Com citar

Muto, M., Giurazza, F., Pimentel Silva, R., & Guarnieri, G. (2020). Clinical and imaging selection criteria treating lumbar disc herniations by oxygen-ozone therapy, corticosteroid and local anaesthetic. Journal of Ozone Therapy, 4(5), 57–63.
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