The music classroom as a sound environment for learning in early childhood education




Sound Exploration, Learning Environments, Aesthetic, Free Play, Global Learning, Pre-school Education.


A field investigation is presented that starts from the creation of a sound learning environment in pre-school and primary education. In this environment, through free play, the interaction with the students’ environment in the second cycle of early childhood education (n = 104), organized in 10 homogeneous groups, is observed and analyzed. Secondly, the results are compared between the different ages of the sample. We follow a methodology of mixed research, qualitative and quantitative, under the paradigm of exploratory sequential design. The sessions were recorded on video and analyzed with an individual observation table (TOIM) based on a categorization of the preliminary results. The results show how the new space and their objects allow students to develop learning in a global manner, beyond aspects related to sound exploration. Differences are also observed, from less to more, in the way of how behavior from students of different ages differs, especially in reference to the type of game, the approach to objects, the action of producing and listening to sound and in the social relations that are established.

Author Biography

Miquel Alsina Tarrés, Universidad de Girona

Profesor Lector del Departamento de Didácticas Específicas. Cordinador del Área de Didáctica de la Expresión Musical. 


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