Synchronization with pulse patterns: a tool to estimate rhythmic development


  • Silvia Malbrán Universidad Nacional de La Plata



Rhythm, Rhythmic Teaching, Music Education.


The problems related to rhythmic synchrony in three-year-old children are presented starting from the state of progress of the problem in the available literature and the results obtained in the author's studies (Malbrán, 1996, 1997, 1998 {a}, 1998 { B} 1999 {a} [b] {c} {d} 2001). Child performance charts are provided to compare performance differences across different variables. Variables possibly related to the practice are analyzed, in relation to others of greater association with age. It is submitted to discussion if the synchrony is a process of continuous or phased development and the pertinence of the selected variables. It is considered that the environment used assures the ecological validity and suggests projections of these empirical approximations.

Author Biography

Silvia Malbrán, Universidad Nacional de La Plata

Facultad de Bellas Artes

